heapify(Tree,Heap) :-
The elements of the complete binary tree Tree have been adjusted
to form the binary tree Heap, which has the same shape as Tree
and satisfies the heap property that the value of each parent node
is greater than or equal to the values of its children.
heapify(tree(X,L,R),Heap) :-
heapify(L,HeapL), heapify(R,HeapR), adjust(X,HeapL,HeapR,Heap).
adjust(X,HeapL,HeapR,tree(X,HeapL,HeapR)) :-
greater(X,HeapL), greater(X,HeapR).
adjust(X,tree(X1,L,R),HeapR,tree(X1,HeapL,HeapR)) :-
X < X1, greater(X1,HeapR), adjust(X,L,R,HeapL).
adjust(X,HeapL,tree(X1,L,R),tree(X1,HeapL,HeapR)) :-
X < X1, greater(X1,HeapL), adjust(X,L,R,HeapR).
greater(X,tree(X1,L,R)) :- X >= X1.
% Program 3.28 Adjusting a binary tree to satisfy the heap property