A procedure to transform a sentence into a list of atoms.
Source: PROLOG programming for artificial intelligence, 3rd Edition, Harlow, 2001, ISBN 0-201-40375-7.
% Figure 6.2 A procedure to transform a sentence into a list of atoms.
Procedure getsentence reads in a sentence and combines the words
into a list of atoms. For example
getsentence( Wordlist)
Wordlist = [ 'Mary', was, pleased, to, see, the, robot, fail]
if the input sentence is:
Mary was pleased to see the robot fail.
getsentence( Wordlist) :-
get0( Char),
getrest( Char, Wordlist).
getrest( 46, [] ) :- !. % End of sentence: 46 = ASCII for '.'
getrest( 32, Wordlist) :- !, % 32 = ASCII for blank
getsentence( Wordlist). % Skip the blank
getrest( Letter, [Word | Wordlist] ) :-
getletters( Letter, Letters, Nextchar), % Read letters of current word
name( Word, Letters),
getrest( Nextchar, Wordlist).
getletters( 46, [], 46) :- !. % End of word: 46 = full stop
getletters( 32, [], 32) :- !. % End of word: 32 = blank
getletters( Let, [Let | Letters], Nextchar) :-
get0( Char),
getletters( Char, Letters, Nextchar).