% Figure 14.4 A CLP(R) scheduling program for problems with precedence and resource
% constraints.
% Scheduling with CLP with limited resources
schedule( BestSchedule, BestTime) :-
tasks( TasksDurs),
precedence_constr( TasksDurs, Schedule, FinTime), % Set up precedence inequalities
initialise_bound, % Initialise bound on finishing time
assign_processors( Schedule, FinTime), % Assign processors to tasks
minimize( FinTime),
update_bound( Schedule, FinTime),
fail % Backtrack to find more schedules
bestsofar( BestSchedule, BestTime). % Final best
% precedence_constr( TasksDurs, Schedule, FinTime):
% For given tasks and their durations, construct a structure Schedule
% comprising start time variables. These variables and finishing time FinTime
% are constrained by inequalities due to precedences.
precedence_constr( [], [], FinTime).
precedence_constr( [T/D | TDs], [T/Proc/Start/D | Rest], FinTime) :-
Start >= 0, % Earliest start at 0
Start + D =< FinTime , % Must finish by FinTime
precedence_constr( TDs, Rest, FinTime),
prec_constr( T/Proc/Start/D, Rest).
prec_constr( _, []).
prec_constr( T/P/S/D, [T1/P1/S1/D1 | Rest]) :-
( prec( T, T1), !, { S+D =< S1}
prec( T1, T), !, { S1+D1 =< S}
true ),
prec_constr( T/P/S/D, Rest).
% assign_processors( Schedule, FinTime):
% Assign processors to tasks in Schedule
assign_processors( [], FinTime).
assign_processors( [T/P/S/D | Rest], FinTime) :-
assign_processors( Rest, FinTime),
resource( T, Processors), % T can be executed by any of Processors
member( P, Processors), % Choose one of suitable processors
resource_constr( T/P/S/D, Rest), % Impose resource constraints
bestsofar( _, BestTimeSoFar),
{ FinTime < BestTimeSoFar }. % New schedule better than best so far
% resource_constr( ScheduledTask, TaskList):
% Construct constraints to ensure no resource conflict
% between ScheduledTask and TaskList
resource_constr( _, []).
resource_constr( Task, [Task1 | Rest]) :-
no_conflict( Task, Task1),
resource_constr( Task, Rest).
no_conflict( T/P/S/D, T1/P1/S1/D1) :-
P \== P1, ! % Different processors
prec( T, T1), ! % Already constrained
prec( T1, T), ! % Already constrained
{ S+D =< S1 % Same processor, no time overlap
S1+D1 =< S}.
initialise_bound :-
retract(bestsofar(_,_)), fail
assert( bestsofar( dummy_schedule, 9999)). % Assuming 9999 > any finishing time
% update_bound( Schedule, FinTime):
% update best schedule and time
update_bound( Schedule, FinTime) :-
retract( bestsofar( _, _)), !,
assert( bestsofar( Schedule, FinTime)).
% List of tasks to be scheduled
tasks( [t1/4,t2/2,t3/2, t4/20, t5/20, t6/11, t7/11]).
% Precedence constraints
prec( t1, t4). prec( t1, t5). prec( t2, t4). prec( t2, t5).
prec( t2, t6). prec( t3, t5). prec( t3, t6). prec( t3, t7).
% resource( Task, Processors):
% Any processor in Processors suitable for Task
resource( _, [1,2,3]). % Three processors, all suitable for any task