An implementation of the IDA* algorithm.
Source: PROLOG programming for artificial intelligence, 3rd Edition, Harlow, 2001, ISBN 0-201-40375-7.
% Figure 12.10: An implementation of the IDA* algorithm.
:- op( 900, fy, not).
% not Goal): negation as failure;
% Note: This is often available as a built-in predicate,
% often written as prefix operator "\+", e.g. \+ likes(mary,snakes)
not Goal :-
Goal, !, fail
% idastar( Start, Solution):
% Perform IDA* search; Start is the start node, Solution is solution path
idastar( Start, Solution) :-
retract( next_bound(_)), fail % Clear next_bound
asserta( next_bound( 0)), % Initialise bound
idastar0( Start, Solution).
idastar0( Start, Sol) :-
retract( next_bound( Bound)), % Current bound
asserta( next_bound( 99999)), % Initialise next bound
f( Start, F), % f-value of start node
df( [Start], F, Bound, Sol) % Find solution; if not, change bound
next_bound( NextBound),
NextBound < 99999, % Bound finite
idastar0( Start, Sol). % Try with new bound
% df( Path, F, Bound, Sol):
% Perform depth-first search within Bound
% Path is the path from start node so far (in reverse order)
% F is the f-value of the current node, i.e. the head of Path
df( [N | Ns], F, Bound, [N | Ns]) :-
F =< Bound,
goal( N). % Succeed: solution found
df( [N | Ns], F, Bound, Sol) :-
F =< Bound, % Node N within f-bound
s( N, N1), not member( N1, Ns), % Expand N
f( N1, F1),
df( [N1,N | Ns], F1, Bound, Sol).
df( _, F, Bound, _) :-
F > Bound, % Beyond Bound
update_next_bound( F), % Just update next bound
fail. % and fail
update_next_bound( F) :-
next_bound( Bound),
Bound =< F, ! % Do not change next bound
retract( next_bound( Bound)), !, % Lower next bound
asserta( next_bound( F)).