% Figure 20.8 A simulation program for qualitative differential equations.
% The program uses the usual list predicates member/2 and conc/3.
:- op( 900, fy, not).
% not Goal): negation as failure;
% Note: This is often available as a built-in predicate,
% often written as prefix operator "\+", e.g. \+ likes(mary,snakes)
not Goal :-
Goal, !, fail
% An interpreter for Qualitative Differential Equations
:- op( 100, xfx, ..).
:- op( 500, xfx, :).
% landmarks( Domain, [ Land1, Land2, ... ]
% Land1, Land2 etc. are landmarks for domain Domain
% This is part of qualitative model definition, user-defined
% correspond( Constraint):
% Constraint specifies corresponding values for a type of constr.
correspond( sum( Dom1:zero, Dom2:zero, Dom3:zero)).
correspond( sum( Dom1:L, Dom2:zero, Dom1:L)) :-
qmag( Dom1:L), L \== zero, not (L = _.._). % L is nonzero landmark in Dom1
correspond( sum( Dom1:zero, Dom2:L, Dom2:L)) :-
qmag( Dom2:L), L \== zero, not (L = _.._). % L is nonzero landmark in Dom2
correspond( sum( V1, V2, V3)) :-
correspond( V1, V2, V3). % User-defined corr. values
% The following is a dummy definition of correspond/3
% just to avoid undefined-predicate error with some Prologs
correspond( dummy, dummy, dummy).
% qmag( Domain:QualMagnitude)
qmag( Domain:Qm) :-
landmarks( Domain, Lands),
qmag( Lands, Qm).
qmag( Lands, L) :-
member( L, Lands),
L \== minf, L \== inf. % A finite landmark
qmag( Lands, L1..L2) :- % Interval
conc( _, [L1,L2 | _], Lands). % Two adjacent landmarks
% relative_qmag( Domain1:QM, Domain2:Landmark, Sign):
% Sign is the sign of the difference between QM and Landmark
% if QM < Landmark then Sign = neg, etc.
relative_qmag( Domain:Ma..Mb, Domain:Land, Sign) :- !,
landmarks( Domain, Lands),
( compare_lands( Ma, Land, Lands, neg), Sign = neg, !
Sign = pos
relative_qmag( Domain:M1, Domain:M2, Sign) :-
landmarks( Domain, Lands),
compare_lands( M1, M2, Lands, Sign), !.
% qdir( Qdir, Sign):
% Qdir is qualitative direction of change with sign Sign
qdir( dec, neg).
qdir( std, zero).
qdir( inc, pos).
% Laws of qualitative summation
% qsum( Q1, Q2, Q3):
% Q3 = Q1 + Q2, qualitative sum over domain [pos,zero,neg]
qsum( pos, pos, pos).
qsum( pos, zero, pos).
qsum( pos, neg, pos).
qsum( pos, neg, zero).
qsum( pos, neg, neg).
qsum( zero, pos, pos).
qsum( zero, zero, zero).
qsum( zero, neg, neg).
qsum( neg, pos, pos).
qsum( neg, pos, zero).
qsum( neg, pos, neg).
qsum( neg, zero, neg).
qsum( neg, neg, neg).
% qdirsum( D1, D2, D3):
% qualitative sum over directions of change
qdirsum( D1, D2, D3) :-
qdir( D1, Q1), qdir( D2, Q2), qdir( D3, Q3),
qsum( Q1, Q2, Q3).
% sum( QV1, QV2, QV3):
% QV1 = QV2 + QV3,
% qualitative sum over qualitative values of form Domain:Qmag/Dir
% When called, this predicate assumes that the
% domains of all three arguments are instantiated
sum( D1:QM1/Dir1, D2:QM2/Dir2, D3:QM3/Dir3) :-
qdirsum( Dir1, Dir2, Dir3), % Directions of change: Dir1 + Dir2 = Dir3
qmag( D1:QM1), qmag( D2:QM2), qmag( D3:QM3),
% QM1+QM2=QM3 must be consistent with all corresponding values:
not (
correspond( sum( D1:V1, D2:V2, D3:V3)), % V1 + V2 = V3
relative_qmag( D1:QM1, D1:V1, Sign1),
relative_qmag( D2:QM2, D2:V2, Sign2),
relative_qmag( D3:QM3, D3:V3, Sign3),
not qsum( Sign1, Sign2, Sign3) ).
% mplus( X, Y):
% Y is a monotonically increasing function of X
mplus( D1:QM1/Dir, D2:QM2/Dir) :- % Equal directions of change
qmag( D1:QM1), qmag( D2:QM2),
% QM1, QM2 consistent with all corresponding values between D1, D2:
not ( correspond( D1:V1, D2:V2),
relative_qmag( D1:QM1, D1:V1, Sign1),
relative_qmag( D2:QM2, D2:V2, Sign2),
Sign1 \== Sign2 ).
% deriv( Var1, Var2):
% time derivative of Var1 is qualitatively equal Var2
deriv( Dom1:Qmag1/Dir1, Dom2:Qmag2/Dir2) :-
qdir( Dir1, Sign1),
qmag( Dom2:Qmag2),
relative_qmag( Dom2:Qmag2, Dom2:zero, Sign2), % Sign2 = sign of Qmag2
Sign1 = Sign2.
% transition( Domain:Qmag1/Dir1, Domain:Qmag2/Dir2):
% Variable state transitions between "close" time points
transition( Dom:L1..L2/std, Dom:L1..L2/Dir2) :-
qdir( Dir2, AnySign).
transition( Dom:L1..L2/inc, Dom:L1..L2/inc).
transition( Dom:L1..L2/inc, Dom:L1..L2/std).
transition( Dom:L1..L2/inc, Dom:L2/inc) :-
L2 \== inf.
transition( Dom:L1..L2/inc, Dom:L2/std) :-
L2 \== inf.
transition( Dom:L1..L2/dec, Dom:L1..L2/dec).
transition( Dom:L1..L2/dec, Dom:L1..L2/std).
transition( Dom:L1..L2/dec, Dom:L1/dec) :-
L1 \== minf.
transition( Dom:L1..L2/dec, Dom:L1/std) :-
L1 \== minf.
transition( Dom:L1/std, Dom:L1/std) :-
L1 \== A..B. % L1 not an interval
transition( Dom:L1/std, Dom:L1..L2/inc) :-
qmag( Dom:L1..L2).
transition( Dom:L1/std, Dom:L0..L1/dec) :-
qmag( Dom:L0..L1).
transition( Dom:L1/inc, Dom:L1..L2/inc) :-
qmag( Dom:L1..L2).
transition( Dom:L1/dec, Dom:L0..L1/dec) :-
qmag( Dom:L0..L1).
% system_trans( State1, State2):
% System state transition;
% system state is a list of variable values
system_trans( [], []).
system_trans( [Val1 | Vals1], [Val2 | Vals2]) :-
transition( Val1, Val2),
system_trans( Vals1, Vals2).
% legal_trans( State1, State2):
% possible transition between states according to model
legal_trans( State1, State2) :-
system_trans( State1, State2),
State1 \== State2, % Qualitatively different next state
legalstate( State2). % Legal according to model
% simulate( SystemStates, MaxLength):
% SystemStates is a sequence of states of simulated system
% not longer than MaxLength
simulate( [State], MaxLength) :-
( MaxLength = 1 % Max length reached
not legal_trans( State, _) % No legal next state
) , !.
simulate( [State1,State2 | Rest], MaxLength) :-
MaxLength > 1, NewMaxL is MaxLength - 1,
legal_trans( State1, State2),
simulate( [State2 | Rest], NewMaxL).
% simulate( InitialState, QualBehaviour, MaxLength)
simulate( InitialState, [InitialState | Rest], MaxLength) :-
legalstate( InitialState), % Satisfy system's model
simulate( [InitialState | Rest], MaxLength).
% compare_lands( X1, X2, List, Sign):
% if X1 before X2 in List then Sign = neg
% if X2 before X1 then Sign = pos else Sign = zero
compare_lands( X1, X2, [First | Rest], Sign) :-
X1 = X2, !, Sign = zero
X1 = First, !, Sign = neg
X2 = First, !, Sign = pos
compare_lands( X1, X2, Rest, Sign).
% member( X, List): X is a member of List
member(X,[X | _]). % X is head of list
member( X, [_ | Rest]) :-
member( X, Rest). % X is in body of list
% conc(L1,L2,L3): list L3 is th econcatenation of lists L1 and L2
conc( [], L, L).
conc( [X | L1], L2, [X | L3]) :-
conc( L1, L2, L3).