Belief network specification
A specification of the belief network
Source: PROLOG programming for artificial intelligence, 3rd Edition, Harlow, 2001, ISBN 0-201-40375-7.
% Figure 15.12 A specification of the belief network of Fig. 15.10 as
% expected by the program of Fig. 15.11.
% Belief network "sensor"
parent( burglary, sensor). % Burglary tends to trigger sensor
parent( lightning, sensor). % Strong lightning may trigger sensor
parent( sensor, alarm).
parent( sensor, call).
p( burglary, 0.001).
p( lightning, 0.02).
p( sensor, [ burglary, lightning], 0.9).
p( sensor, [ burglary, not lightning], 0.9).
p( sensor, [ not burglary, lightning], 0.1).
p( sensor, [ not burglary, not lightning], 0.001).
p( alarm, [ sensor], 0.95).
p( alarm, [ not sensor], 0.001).
p( call, [ sensor], 0.9).
p( call, [ not sensor], 0.0).