Manual process modeling

As not always we have event-logs which can be used for process discovery, in many cases, process models are modeled manually by business analytics who carry out interviews or analyze documents of a company.

Excercise (individually)

For the purpose of the exercise, we will use a prototype Model Judge tool.

Register an account (preferably using e-mail in the AGH domain) on the webpage:
Then, log in to the tool:

On the website, in the part Register a new Course, please enter the code: X036k and click Enroll.

Then, from the menu on the left choose the Hospital exercise. Make sure that the text of the exercise is visible (if not click: Show text).

The short tutorial (how to use the tool) is available on Youtube:

On the right, you can start modeling the process described on the left. When you finish modeling, validate your solution using the Validate button.

You can also try to model the Zoo process in a similar way.

Assignment (in groups)

In pairs or groups (3-4 people), prepare the models depicting the process of admission to the AGH University of Science and Technology:

As the whole process can be large, remember about the possibility of splitting it into subprocesses (decomposing models). Remember about following best practices. Various elements of the process should be represented using different BPMN elements and structures.

Try to model the processes in a group so that you could share your insight with group members.

Although you can use any process modeling tool for this exercise, it is recommended to use the academic version of Signavio Process Editor. You can log into the editor on the following Signavio BPM Academic Initiative page.

We will continue this assignment and modeling process during the next class.

Short assignment

Before the next class, try to point out the missing, unclear or problematic issues in the process.

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